Charity Day raised a total of £7,645

The school was buzzing on Monday, as the whole school immersed themselves in Charity Day, where they raised a fantastic total of…

The school was buzzing on Monday, as the whole school immersed themselves in Charity Day, where they raised a fantastic total of £7,645 for their Year Group charities.

The Form 1s went on a sponsored walk throughout the CPS and Cranleigh School grounds, searching for clues en route, raising money for Delight charity.  The Form 2s swam in aid of Wildlife Aid Foundation.

Form 3s created their very own Hobby Horse Derby and raised money for their chosen charity, Water Aid.  The children were sponsored for two elements of the morning: creating their horse effectively as a team and for competing in each of the six events. 

Form 4 dressed up in fun hats and enjoyed a wonderful, sunny walk to Pitch Hill in aid of the NSPCC.  They bumped in to several former CPS pupils who were on their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition.  The Form 5s completed a sponsored quiz, raising money for their Year Group charity, Sailability.

The highlight of the day was the Form 6 charity stalls, which took place on Top Pitch.  There was a fabulous array of stalls from throwing the sponge at various teachers and selling wonderfully creative tie-dye t-shirts to nail bars, sports challenges and pillow fights!  Form 6 raised a total of £2,400 for Children on the Edge.

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