Form 5 Trip to York 2018

Form 5 pupils enjoyed a trip “up north” visiting the sites of medieval Yorkshire. First stop was Helmsley Caste with its impressive…

Form 5 pupils enjoyed a trip “up north” visiting the sites of medieval Yorkshire. First stop was Helmsley Caste with its impressive motte and ramparts, large bailey and buildings in various stage of ruin. The highlights included the barbican (with portcullises and murder holes), battlements and postern gates.

Following this gentle introduction to the medieval world was a short hop over to the stunning ruins of Byland Abbey. This monastery has a history stretching back to the 1150s until it was closed down during Henry VIII’s purge on Catholic monasteries. The pupils learned about the two types of monk at Byland (choir monks and lay brothers) and experienced features such as the famous rose window, the abbot’s house, cloisters and chapter house. All this hard work and strenuous concentration was rewarded with homemade cake at the delightful tea shop opposite.


After a good (ish!) night’s sleep in the York youth hostel, the following morning pupils could be found walking alongside the River Ouse into York city centre. Once in York, half the group went to visit the breath-taking Minster, with its gothic arches and colourful history. The other half made their way to Clifford Tower, the keep of York Castle with origins in the time of William the Conqueror.

This was followed by a trip to the York Castle Museum with its recreated Victorian street, exhibition of toys and fashion through history and First World War artefacts. After lunch the two groups swapped locations, meeting briefly in the famous “Shambles” to enjoy a location street performer.

On the long and arduous trek back to the youth hostel, it was felt the pupils needed a rest and an ice cream in a lovely park. After a run around and a good dinner, the pupils got their heads down to revise all that they had learned in York ready for their assessment the following morning.

Once, the assessment was completed and everything safely packed and loaded onto coaches, we set off for the York Air Museum. The Second World War aerodrome is home to over fifty historical aircraft including a Spitfire, a Halifax bomber, a Dakota transport, a Messerschmitt and other aircraft from before the First World War, right through the Cold War and up to the Gulf War.

So ended another successful Form 5 trip to York. Huge thanks to Mr Batchelor for his outstanding organisation and planning.

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