On Monday 1st October Fenella, Gina and Maddie, currently in Form 5, represented last year’s Form 4 pupils at the Grand Opening of the new Cranleigh Riding for the Disabled facilities at Casi’s Farm. Having raised £2,835 for this amazing cause as their year group charity, they were invited to join in with the celebrations.
Cranleigh’s Riding for the Disabled is a voluntary organisation which receives no state or lottery funding, but just relies entirely on donations and fundraising efforts which enable them to offer therapeutic riding to people with special needs to benefit their health and well-being.
Form 4 took part in a variety of initiatives last year to raise £2,835 for this very worthy cause, from cake sales and mufti days to a sponsored walk and a Schools’ Triathlon. As a result, the RDA were able to build a brand new stable, housing Sunny, which has a Cranleigh Prep School plaque on the back wall.
Fenella, Gina and Maddie were particularly excited to meet TV broadcaster, journalist and author, Clare Balding, who officially opened the refurbished stables. As Gina had personally raised £150 for Cranleigh’s RDA, after cutting 23cm off her hair, she was invited to present flowers to Clare Balding.
It was a privilege to join Sarah Johnston, Fenella, Gina and Maddie, with a large number of other doners and volunteers, on this very special occasion. It was also wonderful for our pupils to see what an enormous difference their contributions make to the 200 children and adults with disabilities that benefit from the RDA’s amazing facilities from an extensive area around Cranleigh and Guildford.