The extra day afforded by the Leap Year was the perfect opportunity for the School to go ‘off timetable’. Following the fabulous CPS Thinks! last term, the languages departments of English, French, Spanish and Latin, ably assisted by Music and Food Tech came to the fore with the offering that was Leap Into Languages.
On offer was a plethora of workshops, with children able to try their hands at signalling in semaphore, writing in Braille, speaking an ancient Tudor form of slang, singing an Arabic song and making a croque monsieur, as well as many other fabulous activities. However, the stars of the show were undoubtedly our invited sign-language teachers, who offered all pupils in Forms 4 and 6 an hour’s introductory class in British Sign Language.
The day culminated in the School Spelling Bee finals, with Hugh H-R and Olivia S going head-to-head for twelve rounds before eventually tying for first place. In the senior competition, Emily S took the crown, ploughing her way through the rounds against pupils two years above her; a superb effort.
A fabulous day was had by all.