David Reid

The Rev’d David Reid has been Associate Chaplain at both Cranleigh Senior and Prep Schools since September 2023. Prior to moving with his family to Cranleigh, Rev Reid lived in Oxford for over twenty years, many of which were spent as a Vicar of a local church. One of the things he loved about being a vicar was drinking copious amount of coffee with people of all ages while helping them to navigate their way through the ups and downs of life or to grapple with many of life’s big questions.


As well as being part of the chaplaincy team, Rev Reid teaches Religious Studies at both the Senior and Prep School, and is enjoying taking sport with the Under 10s.


When not at school, Rev Reid loves to be out on the water. Once upon a time he had a job as a sailing instructor, and occasionally finds himself wishing Cranleigh was a little nearer the sea!